Double Oak Park
Shelby County, Alabama

Double Oak Park is in Shelby County Alabama. The main trailhead is located on County Road 43, which is also Bear Creek Road. It can also be accessed from Dunnavant Valley Park on CR41, which is Dunnavant Valley Road. 

As of the time of this post, I had only ridden here once, so I am not an expert on the area. What I do know is the climb up Truckn' Trail is steep and difficult for most riders.
Easy Rider and Morning Dew were great rides. I will post more information as I go here to ride and research the trails.

More info will probably come and trail maps as pdf files which print better from a web browser.

Here are links to maps of the trails. The maps are un-offficial and have been modified by me. The original downloaded map files did not have enough contrast to see the red singletrack trails. I also altered the trail names to make them easier to read, because the original names were difficult to read.

The maps are jpg files, which you can modify as you want.
One map is original size and prints on one sheet of paper.
Two of the maps are each half of the trail map for a larger view of the trails if you need it. They can be taped together.
If they do not print from your browser, you can download them by right clicking and print using another program.

Double Oak Trail Map


Double Oak Map Left Half

Double Oak Map Right Half


click on the above links to view maps